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Progress report...

After a holiday hiatus, we're back at it. Not that progress stopped in our absence--everything but the engines has been removed, hull repair continues and keel repair has begun. Before we left, the SEA crew began serious examination of the transom and foredeck dry rot situation and removal of the bad stuff. It's not pretty but we now have a clean, DRY base to start rebuilding. Pat removed the seating sections on the flybridge, as we plan to rebuild and reconfigure the helm and seating (and...surprise...there was dry rot!).

I need to finish removing wallpaper in the V-berth, but other than that she's ready for the next phase--putting stuff IN instead of tearing stuff OUT! Pat spent much of the holiday working on renderings of the salon and galley, cockpit, flybridge and stateroom sections and we're ready to create an electrical plan. The Seattle Boat Show in early February comes at a perfect time for us to order appliances, equipment, electronics and all the mechanical systems.

A Blast from the Past!

A couple months ago Pat got an email from the captain who piloted the boat from Victoria to Port Angeles that led to an interesting connection. After posting videos of the trip, the captain received a note from a man with a special connection to the boat. His dad was the captain for original owner, CBS executive Paul Levitan! Pat called him and loved hearing his childhood memories of fishing trips on "Little Pete." His dad helped design the chine addition. In his words, "it stopped the boat from over yawing in a following sea and eliminated a few scary times when the boat completely broached and scared the daylights out of Paul and crew!" He also told Pat that Ted Williams, of Boston Red Sox fame, was a friend of Levitan's and often accompanied him on fishing trips on Little Pete. He sent photos of her (Is a boat still a "she" when she her name is Pete?) in her heyday and he's very pleased that she's being restored.

We're pretty sure that's Williams kneeling beside the fish in photo at right. What do you think?
He was a great flyfisher: ESPN article

As Yet Still Nameless...

A name for the boat still evades us. She's known around the boatyard as "The Rybo" but we hope a sentimentally meaningful, linguistically clever, lovely sounding moniker comes to us at some point along this journey. Suggestions welcome!

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2 comentarios

Tim Phan
Tim Phan
06 jul 2022

Woah. That some great stuff. Any update?

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Kimberly Olson
Kimberly Olson
21 ene 2022

Great story Sara. I just got home and enjoyed sharing your blog with Jim over left over chicken tacos. Jim says the dude with the ”puffy hair” in front of the marlin is definitely Ted W! Her name will come to you. Maybe some Inuit/Atabascan name or a cool Native American name will present its self to you. Some type of “transformation“ name. Like a Phoenix. Risen from the Ashes. Or some type of butterfly…

hope you’re all doing great. miss you

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